Oct 29, 2011


Detoxification is a popular term nowadays. Many people got confused of what the actual meaning is. In general, detoxification means the process that promotes lymphatic circulation, metabolism, perspiration, and defecation.

Detoxtreme, our latest product after years of research and development. Detoxtreme contains complex dietary fiber which can reduce the absorption of harmful substance such as heavy metal and carcinogen by the human body. At the same time, it removes the intestinal feces and toxins, improves constipation and abdominal distension, and lowers the cholesterol level. It also contains wheat glass which can purify the blood and viscera, decreases the toxins and improves the tone and savor. The milk thistle and dandelion can improve the function of liver. Parsley can improve the visceral function and improves metabolism.

Detoxtreme can also effectively control the calories intake. It forms a layer that reduces the absorption of fat by the intestine. It lessens the hungry feeling and yet reduces sugar addiction. Moreover, L-carnitine can accelerate metabolism of fat energy, thus eliminates fat effectively. It also contains anti-oxidant that strengthens blood vessel and prevents heart disease.

The greatest features of Detoxtreme are to refresh the skin and to bring a desirable body shaping. The power of its anti-oxidant is over 50 times the effect of vitamin E and over 20 times the effect of vitamin C. The process not only generates more collagen protein, reduces wrinkle and dry grain, but also creates the great result of shining and whitening skin.

Another powerful feature of Detoxtreme is to enhance your body health. It strengthens and improves liver and kidney function, plus reduces the chances of having stomachache especially for drinkers and the people with nightlife.

Prevention is always better than cure. The first step is to avoid toxins accumulation inside the body. Toxins, includes the formation of the intestinal corruption substances, such as ammonia, Histamine, Skatole, etc. These substances will be absorbed by the intestine and hence attack the liver. If there is no liver detoxification, toxins will be circulating the whole body, and causes various of diseases. Therefore, the most important thing is to extract the toxins from the body.